Play iBingo


Your Best Scores



iBingo stimulates your reflexes and promotes mental agility as you play against the clock to beat your best previous score. It's many variations provide hours of fun.


There are 75 balls called in a game. You start the game with a possible point score of 70 and a point is deducted as each ball is called. The sooner you call a bingo, the more points you earn

You can play three cards at once and you get double or treble points if you have a bingo on two or three cards.

Points are also multiplied by the difficulty of the game you choose:

Finally, your points are divided by the number of seconds delay between balls. The faster you play, the higher your score.

iBingo keeps track of your best scores for each game style.

Game Settings


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4 Corners


How to Play


The traditional game of bingo is played with cards having 25 numbers arranged in 5 columns headed "B","I","N","G","O". Numbers in each column are generated randomly in a range for each letter:

B: 1 - 25
I: 26 - 40
N: 41 - 45
G: 46 - 60
O: 61 - 75

As the game begins, numbers are called and you 'mark' your cards if the number appears on them. If you get a pattern of numbers corresponding to the type of game being played, you shout "Bingo!" and the game stops.

In our version of the game, the game begins by showing a spinning basket of balls and a countdown to the start of the game.

When the first ball is drawn, the ball appears marked with a letter and a number. The letter is the key to the card column in which the number appears.
Numbers are also recorded on the lightboard as they are drawn. You can play three cards at once and you get double or treble points if you have a bingo on two or three cards.
You mark your cards by tapping (clicking) on a cell. If the number has been called, the cell will change color.
You bring each of your three cards to the front by tapping the 'card' tab at the side of the card display.
When you have a bingo, tap (click) the last number displayed and the game will check if you do indeed have a bingo and will calculate your points earned.
The game then begins anew.

iBingo Go!
